It is hard to decide if this is a airplane or dart. It is very dense at the front and if thrown hard will fly far. This is a hard exercise in folding and also for me in writing and drawing instructions. Hope you like it!
Video Instructions
Written Instructions

Take a square piece of paper and fold it down the middle then open it out and fold along the lines AB in DIG. 1. Now you should have a shape like DIG. 2.

Now fold along the line AB in DIG. 2 you should get DIG. 3. It is important that the fold AB is midway up the flaps created in STEP 1.

Now fold along the lines XZ on DIG. 3 and unfold having creased very well along these lines. Then fold them in the other direction creasing well and unfold.

Tuck the flaps produced in the previous step inside as the arrows show on DIG. 4. This step is tough so look at 5:20 in the video to see how to do this.

Fold the tip down along the dotted line in DIG. 5.

Now fold along the two dotted lines in DIG. 6.

To finish the model off fold along the dotted lines in DIG. 7 to give you the form at the top of the page.
Flying Instructions
This plane is basically a dart. Throw it as hard as you can straight in the direction you want it to go overarm. It flies equally well indoors and out and doesn’t really have any lift or do stunts. It is just a challenge to make and a pleasure once you succeed.
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