Classic Dart Paper Airplane

Classic Dart
Classic Dart

This paper airplane is designed for bored people in offices, lectures and classrooms the world over. 7 folds and throw, there isn’t a difficult part in making this plane. I must dedicate it to Peter Batey who received my email for a few weeks and sent me this design.

Video Instructions

Written Instructions

Classic Dart Dig 1
Dig 1

1. Take an A4 sheet and fold it in half DIG. 1

Classic Dart Dig 2
Dig 2

2. Fold the short edge of one side down to the first fold (ie produces a 45Degree angle). Do This for the other side too. DIG. 2

Classic Dart Dig 3
Dig 3

3. Fold down the new fold you have created to the original fold you did in (1). Repeat for the other side. DIG. 3

Classic Dart Dig 4
Dig 4

4. Do step 3 again for both sides DIG. 4

Classic Dart Dig 5
Dig 5

5. Hold Centre and open wings out. Now Throw!!! DIG. 5

How to Fly

Oh come on we all know how to fly these! Well I’ll just give a refresher course. You throw this plane overarm and on the level. It will fly quite far and very straight if you have made it correctly. It is very hard to make it so poorly that it crashes. It flies very well indoors and out.


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