This is my own design of paper airplane. If you make the wings completely level and throw it hard overarm it will fly fast and level indoors for 30 meters or more and it is quite good outside too. So try it out.
Video Instructions
Written Instructions

Fold along the dotted line down the center of DIG. 1 then open the paper out and fold along the diagonal lines at the top to give DIG. 2.

Fold along the diagonal lines in DIG. 2 bringing the top left and top right edges in to meet along the center line as shown in DIG. 3.

Fold along the horizontal dotted line in DIG. 3 bringing the tip of the paper airplane down to the center of the base of the paper as shown in DIG. 4

Now fold along the diagonal dotted lines in DIG. 4 to bring the left top edge and right top edge in to meet at the center line as shown in DIG. 5

Now fold the flap that points downwards up so that its tip touches the tip of the paper airplane at the front. Fold along the dotted line shown in DIG. 5 to do this. If the tips do not meet go back and alter the folding so that they do. This is very important. You should get the form (approximately) in DIG. 6

Now finally fold along the center line and dotted lines in DIG. 6to give you the paper airplane as shown at the top of the page. Throw it hard overarm and it should fly very level and very straight for a long distance.
How to Fly
This plane flies well indoors but is useless outdoors as the slightest breeze will make it crash. Hold it very near its shorter edge (the front) underneath the plane. Throw with a pushing motion or overarm so that when you let go it will be level or very slightly tilted downwards. You should find that this plane will glide very slowly for quite a long distance indoors.
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